Hartford Art School...

source: www.hartfordartschool.org


   The Sculpture Department recognizes the diversity of styles, techniques, and conceptual approaches within the world of contemporary sculpture. The goal of the program is to provide sound instruction in a wide range of traditional and nontraditional media. Course offerings in figure sculpture, portraiture, site-specific, glass, and bronze casting are balanced by courses that present alternatives to these traditional media. Students are encouraged to build conceptual skills along with aesthetic and technical concerns.

   The Sculpture Department occupies the Stanley Sculpture Building, directly behind Taub Hall. Within this building are studios for figure and portrait work from the model; a general area for fabrication, including welding; an investment foundry for bronze and aluminum casting; and a plaster and mold-making room as well as fabrication studios for hot and cold glass. The Sculpture Fabrication Workshop is adjacent to the main building and houses an extensive array of power equipment and hand tools.

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